"As an artist, Trotter is either a Renaissance Man or a stylistic schizophrenic, depending on how fully you buy into his retro-Expressionist machismo. Now entering his late 20s, this multimedia artist may find he needs to choose between the paths of illustrator, performer, or painter in order to continue to evolve. My vote is for the latter path, for Trotter's abstract painting evokes de Kooning and shows an intuitive grasp of color, form, and most importantly, rhythm." ~Richard Speer (August 05; Willamette Weekly)

Inside the Seattle Art Museum...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

new Portland greeting cards printed, scored, folded by hand. not as eco as i'd like. not yet. this is the trial run for Portland Places: http://ping.fm/cdW1r to debut at Last Thursday May 27th 1603 NE Albertahttp://ping.fm/KhwyD
today: on an adventure to the deep southeast for publishing consultation, gallery visiting, sketch site scouting, and a fabric pickup. it's a glorious day to be alive in sunny Stumptown!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

AbZtraKt Synergy Last Thursday

Images from Last Thursday at


Very special thanks to
Chad Settlemeier
for taking these pictures!!

Featuring visual art by Shawn Christopher and Aaron Voronoff
Sound Art by DJ Mortal Engines
Electric Guitar by Andy Schmidt

Friday, January 9, 2009


Portraits of Portland
Many of these sketches were made in the last few years.
They are the seedlings of a new series that I am about to embark upon.

Alberta Street
The Albina Press

Radio Cab

The Rusty Starz: Truth Hits Everybody
This is a sketch for the upcoming album cover.

The Alberta Laundromat

Going Somewhere on the Bus

Alberta Co-Op Corner

The Star E Rose Cafe

The Black Cat Cafe

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Work

My new series is focused on a clear intention of finding a balanced equilibrium of forms and color harmonics. Drawn with a compass and square, these magic circles have helped me to find inner balance and peace within geometric intricacy.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

InterStitial Immortality: Doctor Serge Voronoff

Dr. Serge Voronoff became world famous in the 20s for transplanting the glands of monkey testicles into elderly men to extend their lives and rejuvenate their sex drive. He is cosidered to be a pioneer in organ transplant and endochrinology.A WW1 war surgeon-hero who saved lives with bone grafting, he was phsyician to the Last Khedive of Egypt for 10 years and studied medicine with Alexis Carrell, winner of the Nobel Prize. for Featuring information collected through online research and thorough scholarly explorations, this archive of textual and optical experience details the life and times of the Gland Doctor.